Klaveness Maritime Agency, Inc (KMAI) marked its 40th anniversary on November 6, 2024, with a memorable Fellowship Night held at Lanson Hotel, MOA Complex, Manila. The evening honored KMA’s past achievements and embraced new beginnings.

The event was attended by 150 guests, including KMA Board of Directors, employees, business partners, colleagues from affiliated companies, volunteers from the Seaman’s Wives Association of Klaveness (SWAK) and 39 maritime officers of Klaveness Ship Management AS, along with some of their family members. Distinguished attendees included executives and managers from Torvald Klaveness, Ara Marine, Del Rosario Law Office, Klaveness Combination Carriers, Klaveness Ship Management AS, Klaveness Dry Bulk, OSM Thome, Norwegian Training Center, the Norwegian Embassy and Tapulanga Foundation.

The program commenced with an invocation and national anthem of the Philippines and Norway. KMA President, Ms. Chona Villanos, delivered the opening remarks. This was followed by an audio-visual presentation that recounted KMA’s 40-year journey.

Speeches from notable guests, including Mr. Trond Harald Klaveness – Chairman of the Board of Torvald Klaveness; Mr. Finn Amund Norbye- CEO of OSM Thome and His Excellency, Christian Halaas Lyster-Ambassador of Norway to the Philippines, highlighted the significance of KMA’s milestone and shared their visions for the future.

In keeping with tradition, maritime officers, employees and volunteers of the Seaman’s Wives Association of Klaveness (SWAK) were recognized for their dedication and loyalty. Six seafarers were honored for their milestones of 10, 15, 20, 30 years. 1AE Reynante Bernales shared a heartfelt testimonial after being recognized for his 30 years of service in the vessels of Klaveness. Additionally, Ms. Analyn Fernando, KMA Crewing and Training Officer, was honored for two decades of committed service.

Nine volunteers from various provincial chapters of Seaman’s Wives Association of Klaveness (SWAK) were acknowledged for their unwavering support of KMA’s activities and programs for the crew families. They were: Fe Bernales, Mary Grace Flores, Jeanelica Sanchez, Jacqueline Deniega, Mary Ann Castro, Nireza Custodio, Jocelyn Aspacio, Ma. Rita Eupeña and Cherry Ann Cortez.

The evening was further enlivened by performances from the talented students of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas and the awarding of Certificate of Donation for college scholarship to a less-fortunate student supported by Tapulanga Foundation.

A poignant message from our VP of Maritime Personnel, Mr. Torbjorn Eide, transitioned the program to the closing remarks and ceremonial toast led by Mr. Ernst Meyer, CEO of Torvald Klaveness. The toast marked the culmination of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

The program was hosted by KMA’s pioneer employee, Ms. Amanda Uy and Francisco Tejares, KCC Operations Manager. Joam Collado, KMA Admin Officer, led the invocation. The guest of honor and speakers were introduced by Ms. Judith Jarabelo, KMA’s General Manager. The seafarer awardees were presented by Jenny Rovillos, Crew Coordinator while the SWAK and employee awardee were presented by Elgene Eusebio.

This successful fellowship night was organized by the committee composed of KMA management, Joam Collado, Jacquelou Madueno – KSSI HR and Administration Manager, Rose Simounette Ponce – KSSI HR Generalist and Kenneth Salvador – KMA IT Coordinator.

“Crises can have a profound impact on the maritime industry, affecting not only operation but also the well-being of all Stakeholders involved. It is essential for maritime professionals to engage actively in preparedness, prevention, and crisis management efforts to enhance collective resilience. Education, particularly through training and role playing, serves as a crucial tool for navigating crises effectively.


Last September 24-26, 2024, another Crisis Management Seminar was held at the Lanson Place Hotel Mall of Asia, Pasay City organized by Klaveness Ship Management AS in collaboration with GARD and the Norwegian Training Center (NTC). The seminar themed: Prepare, Prevent, and Manage (Navigating Crisis with Resilience) drew participation from 54 sea-based Officers and 10 shore-based Leaders from the following shipping companies, including:


  • Klaveness Shipmanagement AS.
  • Solvang Maritime AS       
  • Westfal-Larsen Management  AS   
  • Odfjell
  • Grieg Star Shipping
  • Southfield Agencies, Inc.                        
  • Gearbulk  Norway AS                                                       
  • Wilhelmsen-Smith Bell Manning, Inc.
  • Dohle Ship Management Phils. Corp.


To ensure a comprehensive learning experience, resource persons with extensive experience in their respective fields facilitated the seminar. These experts guided maritime officers in preparing for potential crises, assessing situations strategically, responding effectively under pressure and mitigating legal and insurance-related issues that may arise during incidents – all while prioritizing the safety of both crew and the vessel. The speakers included:


Mr. Edwin Ebreo, ExeQserve – Communication

Mr. Marius Schonberg, Gard AS – Prevention Losses and Proactive Crisis Response

Mr. Scott May, Gallagher Marine Systems – Qualified Individual

Mr. Torbjorn Rogde, Seascape – Decision Making and Table Top Exercises
Prof. Jorn Hetland, Bergen University – Human Behavior in the Aftermath of a Crisis


For over 12 years, Klaveness Ship Management AS has been taking the lead in making this maritime event purposeful and contributory for a safer and more efficient vessel operations. The insights gained from this seminar are invaluable for fostering a culture of preparedness and resilience in the maritime sector.”

On July 10, 2024, friends, colleagues, seafarers, family and industry partners got together in Klaveness office for a common cause.  With the engagement and support of the Philippine National Red Cross, donors were all moved to offer a part of themselves by donating a bag of their blood for the benefit of those in need.  It was heartwarming to see people from different walks of life patiently waiting for their turn to be attended by Red Cross.  Some had fears, some had hesitation but in the end, the will to contribute to such a noble cause prevailed.  It was a true picture of how people can unite to express their sincere and selfless offering of life within them, in order for others to survive and find hope.

To all of our brothers and sisters who came and volunteered, accept our heartfelt gratitude with a prayer that God’s grace may come upon you and your loved ones and bless you with a life filled with peace and good health.

Cheers to a life-giving moment!

In partnership with the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco, Batangas, Klaveness Maritime Agency, Inc. participated in the VIDES Foundation’s ManGrows ManGroves program.

Last May 18, 2024 (Saturday), Team Klaveness (composed of office personnel, SWAK and family members and a few seafarers) joined the other program participants at the Barangay Poctol, San Juan, Batangas, in the area activities which included coastal cleanup, planting of about 1,000 mangrove plants and an outreach to about 16 families.

Above activity is in line with the company’s year-long celebration of its 40th Anniversary this year and in support to the protection of our coastal areas by planting natural barriers to waves and storm surges.

If there are no mangroves, then the sea will have no meaning.  It’s like a tree with no roots, for the mangroves are the roots of the sea!

-Mad-Ha Ranwasii

Klaveness Maritime Agency, Inc. (KMA) was established in 1984 to support Torvald Klaveness crewing activities. Today the company has expanded its activities to also support crew management for third party vessels and had reason to celebrate as the company turned 35 this year.

Over the years, KMA has staffed a variety of carriers. In the beginning we manned pure bulk carriers and today we have moved onto more specialized carriers such as the combination carriers that are part of the current fleet. The seafarers take part in development programs that enable them to stay up to date and renew their skills as requirements change. Most of our seafarers are therefore trained for more than one type of vessel, which equips them with a broader skill-set than most seafarers.

Celebrating our loyal, hardworking and dedicated seafarers

The success of the company can be credited to the loyal, hardworking, dedicated and committed seafarers and their families. Especially the wives of crew members, who have sacrificed valuable family time in order to supply crew to the vessels. We thank you for that!

Giving back through bloodletting

Staff wanted to commemorate this milestone through a sponsored bloodletting activity in cooperation with the Red Cross. With the support and help from its sister-company, Klaveness Shore Services Inc and the Seamen’s Wives Association of Klaveness (SWAK) the turn-up was a great success!

Happy 35th Anniversary!

 Way back July of 1984, a very small company was conceived with nothing big but a vision that in the years to come, we will survive the stiff industry competition and be known as one preferred manning agency of the country.   It is amazing to think how far we’ve gone and accomplished. A new page in our history book just opened because we’ve turned 35 this 2019! Truly a year to reckon with pride.

The journey in the beginning was not easy.  We have to make a name in an industry that was populated by bigger and well-known players.  We have few ships then but the name we carry is a plus factor all the time. Our advantage is that our Principal: named Torvald Klaveness & Co. at that time, owns the  vessels that we crew and their reputation in the Norwegian industry is untarnished and respectable.

Back in 1984, while in partnership with United Philippines Lines, one reputable manning agency, Klaveness Maritime Agency, Inc. or KMA for short, operates the crewing part independently under a Norwegian General Manager (a former sailing Chief Engineer), a Filipino Master Mariner as the Asst. General Manager and 3 ladies performing flexible duties as needed.  You may say we are originally a Eurasian company.

Just like in the stages of our life, KMA went through operational cycles also for various reasons, but always mandated by the purpose of being better and being at our best position.  We have tried partnership twice but in the long run, remained to be the flag bearer of the Klaveness name in the Philippines. We have also moved from one place to another. i.e., from Intramuros, to Makati, to Paco, to Ermita, to Pedro Gil and finally in Mall of Asia, all for the common good.

The types of vessel we crew went through changes as well.  Pure bulk to specialized bulk, PROBO to CABU then came the Container, new CABU and now the CleanBu.  Through all these, one thing is noticeable, Klaveness vessels are no ordinary vessels. The Principal innovates and improves, according to the needs of the time.  The same with our seafarers, most of them have been trained from one type of vessel to another, thus, they too are no ordinary seafarers. They are seasoned and more competitive! 

What and how we are today, we owe a big part to our loyal, hardworking, dedicated and committed seafarers.  We wouldn’t have gone this far without their able support and cooperation. In times of urgency and emergency, we can always count on them. Their loyalty is unprecedented, having a retention record of as high as 98 %.

The families of our crew, especially to the wife, we sincerely say “Thank you for all the time that you have unselfishly let go of the  husband just for us to supply the crew needs of the vessels.” In the same manner, how you continued to understand the nature of their work when they are asked to extend or remain on board because of reasons like matrix, economical port, etc. beyond their contract period.

To our Principal: Klaveness Ship Management and all its Stakeholders, thank you for letting us carry the name Klaveness.  Our gratitude for the continued trust and confidence that we can influence integrity and honesty in the industry. Above all, thank you for making a  difference in the lives of Filipino families, for bridging the gap between poverty and dream to experience a better life and for adhering

to policies and laws strictly in order to achieve a safe environment on board the vessel or ashore.

To all the shore staff of KMA, our kudos to you for the years of hard work, dedication and commitment to be of good service to the company. We have accomplished a lot together during the last 35 years.  May we be empowered to do better for tomorrow and continue to be a part of the journey in improving the nature of shipping.  

Happy 35th Anniversary!

JUNE 21, 2019 – The same fateful day where the Klaveness Manila family goes off-grid (Just a bit) to bond, get to know their colleagues more, to bolster relationships, and to get away from the daily routine of the industry.

Endless hilarity and fun ensued the moment the facilitators began the session. The Klaveness Manila family brought back home stronger relationships, better idea of who their colleagues are. And of course, who would forget the new phrases that surely made great impression, that struck us. Phrases like “What-a-guy” and “She’s gone now, I made sure of it”, others will never understand the significance of these phrases, but someone from the Klaveness Manila family will surely understand what these phrases mean to each and every one of us.

The session was all about how to know, serve, and take care of our customers better. According to Ms. Amanda Uy – one of the founding members of the Klaveness Manila family, that our customers, they are our prime assets, our lifeline. How do we take care of them and how can we satisfy them beyond their expectations? How do we earn their trust? These are the thoughts that should motivate us, move us to be ambitious, double the capacity, increase productivity and dare to challenge change. The key is to be customer- focused. Knowing them will enable us to serve them better and in the best way possible. And that is the truth, and it should be the truth of all organizations that aim to serve their customers better.

As Ryunosuke Satoro puts it: “Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are an ocean”. Mabuhay ang KLAVENESS MANILA FAMILY! By Marko Bolivar – The newest member of the Klaveness Manila family.

The festive mood of the holiday season, with the strong presence of SWAK (Seaman’s Wives Association of Klaveness) team, was felt and spread unto the families of our seafarers residing within Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao and Iloilo.  During the last 3 weekends of December (Dec 2,7,8 & 15), the annual Christmas party with the families of our crew were held in mentioned places with the voluntary assistance from some of the wives of our crew.

The Christmas party is eagerly anticipated by the families.  In one of the regions visited, we’ve heard the comment “We are indeed lucky to have a company like Klaveness.  It’s only here where

families get together and the shore staff mingle personally with us.”  With the attached photos taken during the party, I believe these statements were clearly manifested in the smiles of the seafarers and family members, in particular the awardees of the long service recognition.

The long service or seniority awards portion was always one of the highlights in the Christmas party program.  Here, award and reward await the recipients.  For us in the company, these rewards reflect upon the past years that our work force on board have dedicatedly and committedly crafted the works of their hands.  It’s the kind of service borne out of love for the family and the company.  Where and when could be the better time to recognize them but during the Christmas party Family gathering.

We always find value in enjoying the festive season with colleagues in a more personal environment. No matter how big or small our Christmas party budget be, we  do not underestimate the long-term value of engaging with our sea staff and families by getting into the festive spirit.


By: Amanda E. Uy